Release Notes

CrimeTracer 2.1.3 Release Notes

August 21, 2024


Notification Email Sent to Users Before Being Disabled Due to 90 Days of Inactivity

  • Your account will be suspended in 30 days, 14 day, 7 days and 1 day. Sign on to prevent the account being disabled.

Users Can Add Their Title In The Admin Interface

  • Now, admins with proper privileges can add a user’s title to that user’s information in through the Admin Interface.
CrimeTracer 2.1.2 Release Notes

July 3, 2024


Internal maintenance release

May 6, 2024


Dark Mode Now Includes Visualizer and Charts

  • When selecting Dark Mode in user preferences, you will now see the Visualizer and charts in dark mode as well. (View image) (View image)

Quick Search Now Limits the Number of Mugs Shown

  • Some entries in CrimeTracer can have many mugs, sometimes in the hundreds. To help performance and not overwhelm our users, quick search results will display 10 and then a Show more link is available. (View image)

May 6, 2024


In and Around on Quick Search Maps

  • When you click on a pin in a quick search map, you will be presented with the option to search a timeframe and a distance from that area, returning results. (View image)

Dark Mode

  • There is now a preference in a user's setting that will change the color scheme to a dark theme for the user interface. With Dark Theme enabled, the application will appear with a night friendly color scheme. This will remain on until it is turned off in the user settings. (View image) (View image)

Related Entities Embed on Document Details

  • At the bottom of document details pages there is now a section to show how the entities listed in that document relate to each other as determined from the original source data. (View image)

Quick Search Toggle Between Source Text and Consolidated Entities

  • By default, Quick Search results display “consolidated” entities as hyperlinks to easily navigate to those details pages. Because these are synthesized results, the user’s search terms may not display in that result, leading to confusion. This new toggle allows users to toggle between the original source from the document, and the consolidated entities. In some results, the toggle will be highlighted, indicating that the user’s search terms will also be highlighted in the results. (View image)

    (Clicking on the highlighted notes button shows the underlying text that matches search terms). (View image)

March 19, 2024


Contact Support Added to Help Menu

  • Users now can contact support directly from the help menu dropdown. This will open an email to support for the user to fill in and send.

Change CJIS Reason Without Logging Out

  • Users can now find the option to “Change Use Justification” in the menu when clicking on their username in the upper right corner. This will allows users to change the reason they are using the system when switching between investigations without having to log off. The audit logs will capture this change. (View image)

Search Using | Symbol to Represent OR

  • In advanced search, users can use the | symbol to represent OR searches. This is allowed in fields that allow Wildcards “*”
  • Hovering over the * will show a tooptip that will informs the user which wildcards and symbols are accepted in the field. (View image)
  • The following search will return all the people with the last name of Maz OR Mas. (View image)

Searching for More Than One Scar/Mark/Tattoo at a Time

  • Users may now enter a category and description, then select the add button and add another. This will search for either of the descriptions of the person (i.e. an OR search). (View image)

February 8, 2024


Speed Improvements for Administrators

  • Upgraded to new Keycloak version 23 which no longer requires admins to wait minutes for a page to load if there were over 300 realms in the Keycloak instance.

Quick Search Preview Data Formatting Fix

  • Large text blocks no longer cause a page layout formatting issue.

CompStat Fixes

  • Grid/Charts are now displayed properly when the “Agency Mappings” are selected.
  • Added option to Show/Hide categories, including the ones with zero values. Click on the “Eye” button to use this function.
  • Exporting to a CSV file exports categories based on what is currently set by the “Eye” button.

December 12, 2023


Clear All Button in Advanced Search

  • The clear button now also has an option to Clear All. This will clear all the fields on all the entity tabs with one click. (View image)

Link to Person Details Page in Mugbook

  • When viewing a mugbook, you may select the option to show names. The names are now hyperlinks and will take you to that person's details page. (View AI generated example)

New "Mug" Column in Person Results

  • The Mugshot icon has been moved in order to make it easier to see in the person's results screen. It now has its own column and has been moved closer to the person's name column. (View image)

November 8, 2023


Create new Visualizer chart from a right click on Visualizer

  • When a user right clicks on an entity in Visualizer and select 'New Visualizer,' a new tab will now open and display a new visualizer chart based on the selected entity. (View image)

Photo Lineup Link to Person Details

  • Once a Photo Lineup is created, the names beside the mugs shots are now hyperlinks. Clicking on the link will take you to that person's details page. (View AI generated example)

October 5, 2023


Maps on Advanced Location Search

  • Users may now define an area on a map by drawing an area to focus their search. This may be combined with regular search term like street name.
  • For example, CrimeTracer will search the selected area and show all the valid locations in that area that also have the street name of "Broadway." Leaving off the street name will search the entire area. (View image)

Person Date of Birth Field and Additional Wildcard Symbol

  • The Data of Birth field is now a single field rather than a range. To provide more flexibility for users we have added additional wildcards to meet the needs of certain use cases. An '*' will look for one or more numbers. A '?' will wildcard a single digit in the number. (View image)
  • Note that the new wildcard symbol '?' will work on other fields, such as license plate, when a single character is not known.

Email Alerts

  • Users can have CrimeTracer alerts sent via email when their alerts are triggered. To configure this in Quick Search Preferences select "Email Alerts." (View image)

Introduction of Tooltips

  • Hovering over certain fields will now trigger a tooltip to appear. For example, hovering over the Relevant State drop down in Advanced Search will trigger the tooltip shown in the image. Additional tooltips will be added during upcoming releases. (View image)

August 28, 2023


N-DEx Reason Screen

  • N-DEx requires a reason for each search performed on N-DEx data. As such, a reason screen will be presented each time an N-DEx search is performed. (View image)
  • This will also appear each time data is retrieved from N-DEx, such as an N-DEx link provided in details pages.
  • This information is sent to NDEX for auditing purposes.

Document Count Button and Link

  • A button is now included at the top of the details pages to show the number of documents available. Clicking the button will allow you to jump to the Documents embed. (View image)

New Photo Lineup button

  • The Photo Lineup link has been replaced with a more visible button. The button is under the main mug shot on the details page. (View image)

Crime Type on Document Results Screen

  • The results of a document search will now display the document type along with Agency, number and date. This will allow users to quickly scan the results for a potential match to their search. (View image)

Date Included on Mug Book and Photo Lineup Printouts

  • The create date is now visible for both mug book and photo lineup printouts.

July 21, 2023


Crime Bulletin

  • SoundThinking is proud to announce a new ‘Crime Bulletin’ feature in CrimeTracer that allows agencies to upload time sensitive crime bulletins such as BOLOs for nationwide dissemination. Now, as a privileged user, you can upload a PDF of a BOLO and within minutes it will be searchable in the CrimeTracer application. (View tutorial)
  • Also, as a CrimeTracer user, you can set an alert to be notified any time a Crime bulletin is uploaded. This vastly increases the velocity of information and allows the opportunity for immediate notification in critically time sensitive matters. (View tutorial)

Print and Export the Visualizer

  • You are now able to export the visualizer to an image or a PDF. This allows you to print or save the file as needed. To locate this feature, after you visualize, scroll down in the options on the right. (View image)

Mug Book

  • After entering search criteria in Advanced Person Search you will have the option to Create Mug Book. This will find mugs that match the demographics you entered and present the mugs to view. (View image)

Separate Help Icon

  • Help has been separated out into its own icon with its own drop down. The '?' icon is now for Help, Guides and What's New. (View image)

What’s New Notification

  • When there is an update to the software, users will be notified by a red notification dot on the help button, as well as a notification dot in the drop down itself. Clicking on What's New will take you to the release notes for the current build. (View image)

June 14, 2023


Visualizer Expand Indicator

  • Visualizer will now show a '+' next to the icon if there is an expand option that will show more associations for that item. (View image)

Opening Visualizer in a New Tab

  • You can now use your browser to right click (or middle click) to open a new tab when clicking on the visualize button. (View image)

Location Included in Document Results

  • When showing results for a document search, the location is now displayed in the results. If there are multiple locations, the location most relevant to the document is displayed. Opening the document will show all the locations. (View image)

May 15, 2023


Preferences Redesign

Map Option to Expand/Open in New Window

April 24, 2023



  • Breadcrumbs give you, the user, a quick way back to the previous 5 pages you have viewed (View image)

Photo Lineup Updates

  • When printing a photo lineup, a reference sheet is printed so the user can identify the mugs being shown. A number, a mug thumbnail, and info for each thumbnail is shown on the reference sheet (View image)
  • Buttons and mugs now align properly on a mobile device when viewing a photo lineup

April 10, 2023



April 7, 2023


Manual Merge

  • Manual Merge has now been expanded to all entities (except documents)
  • As with Person, if you suspect that 2 or more results are the same entity you can now manually combine them
  • Also, as with Person, this is only visible to you. Manually merged entities are saved from session to session and can be edited or removed in User Preferences

Photo Lineup Enhancements

  • You can now create with 8 or 12 packs along with the options for the existing 6 and 9 packs (View image)
  • The printout now gives a summary of details
  • You can optionally select another mug from person or upload

February 9, 2023


Photo Lineup

  • The button for Photo Lineup now appears on the persons detail page when a mug exists for the person of interest (View image)
  • When selecting Photo Lineup, you will be taken to a new screen with up to 100 random mugs that match the persons of interest's demographics. You are able to add those mugs to create a 9 or 6 pack. You can then print those packs by selecting Create (View image)

October 24, 2022


Advanced Search

  • Manual merge is now available (View tutorial)
  • Allowable number of results to return has increased. Once the maximum is reached, user will still see the "Too Many Results" message


October 3, 2022


Advanced Search

  • NDEX documents will now show mugs from NDEX when available


  • Significant performance enhancements have been made when refining a well defined entity. This will work best if the entity is as specific as possible, either an exact results from a search or good search terms (View image)

Data Restriction

  • Results and embeds show unknown in description when the entity is grey. Previously the description field in the results page would show some information (e.g., name, address, manufacturer). This change is to help obfuscate the object from the search (View image)
  • Any grey entities previously consolidated with a white entity will no longer show as consolidated, but will show as 2 separate entities thus preventing anyone from inferring information

September 12, 2022


Advanced Search

  • N-DEx results contain a style sheet returned from N-DEx. When you click on a document that is from N-DEx CoplinkX will now use that style sheet to display the information (View image)

Details Page

  • Improvement to the performance of mugs shots loading in embeds


  • Slanted quotes, used in some fonts and iOS, are now functioning as quotes

July 25, 2022


Advanced Search

  • Users can now search N-DEx by Document number and ORI (View tutorial)
  • N-DEx documents are now clickable when returned in an embed (View image)

Quick Search

Details Page

  • Firearm details now supports a free-text "description" field added (View image)

July 1, 2022


Advanced Search

  • Drop-down menu filters are now sorted so that words that start with the typed word are at the top (View image)
  • N-DEx searches now show result counts on each tab along with a total (View image)

Quick Search

  • Quick search now features a 'Back to Top' button (View image)

June 14, 2022


Advanced Search

  • Users can now query the FBI's N-DEx system for persons of interest (View tutorial)
  • N-DEx and CrimeTracer results also have the option to be consolidated when possible (View tutorial)

April 26, 2022


April 08, 2022


  • Ability to display Custom Attributes for documents (View tutorial)
  • Support for ShotSpotter documents
  • Users can now search by document by date and time
  • Shell casings now have a distinct icon in Visualizer

March 17, 2022


  • Clicking on view details in visualizer now defaults to opening in new tab
  • Visualizer will put a red circle around the starting entity/entities (View tutorial)
  • The ability to turn on and off all entity types in visualizer
  • When changing layouts in visualizer the starting entity remains the focus
  • There is now a back to top button in the bottom right of the screen to return to the top of the page (View tutorial)

February 23, 2022


  • This was a maintenance release with no visible changes to the user

February 9, 2022



Advanced Search

  • A change was made to make it less confusing when selecting modifiers for the name fields. A user is now only able to select to include either SoundEx, Diminutive Names, or None. (View image)

January 28, 2022



  • Time bar function added to visualizer to limit entities in a specific time (View tutorial)
  • Users can now show and hide entities in visualizer (View tutorial)

Details Pages

  • Embeds on details pages are now sortable (View tutorial)
  • Details pages will now attempt to show a mugshot when one is not attached to the current document (View tutorial)

December 16, 2021


Advanced Search

  • Users can now sort the columns in the embeds on the details pages by clicking on the column headings. (View image) Clicking a second time reverses the order and a third click removes the sorting on that column.
  • The number of references shown next to a result now omits entities that are completely contained in another row. Actual results remain unchanged. (View image)

Unsupported Browser Warning

  • If you log in with an unsupported browser you will now see a warning. (View image) You will still be allowed to proceed, but some functions may not work as expected. We highly recommend using a supported browser (latest version of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari).

November 12, 2021


Quick Search

  • Users can now click to expand the quick search map so that it expands to full screen in a new browser tab. (View image)

Link to Share Success Story

  • In addition to the link found under the welcome drop down, you can now submit a success story right from the main search page. (View image)

September 18, 2021


Advanced Search

  • Users can now print a detailed and comprehensive workup on a person of interest. The workup includes all personal history data, all document co-occurrence relationships and all narratives related to a subject. (View tutorial)

Link to Share Success Story

  • In the upper right main menu, there is a new option to "Share Success Story." Clicking this link will take you to a form where you can share how CrimeTracer helped you in your work. We would love to hear from you! (View image)

July 29, 2021


***Forensic Logic is proud to announce a major feature release of CrimeTracer***

NEW Feature: Visualize Associations between CrimeTracer and TR CLEAR

  • Users now have the ability to discover and explore links between people, locations and vehicles that exist in both CrimeTracer and Thomson Reuters CLEAR. Click the tutorial to see how an officer can start with a simple motor vehicle record search and easily discover criminal activity involving that vehicle. (View tutorial)

NEW Feature: LDAP Support for Active Directory

  • Many agencies need an easy way to integrate their existing user management systems with their mission critical applications. CrimeTracer now supports LDAP connections to Active Directory to allow this mode of user management. Please contact to set up and configure your connection.

NEW Feature: Support for Displaying Images from On-Prem Sources

  • While acknowledging the critical importance of displaying images in law enforcement applications, agencies may decide that these images should not be migrated to the cloud. In these cases, and with agency approval, CrimeTracer can still display these images. Please contact to set up and configure connections to your on-prem mugshots.

May 28, 2021


Advanced Search

  • Users can now use the "Relevant States" option to restrict advanced searches to a state or states of interest. Selecting a state will bring back entities that have been input from that state. (View tutorial)
  • Users can now select the "SoundEx" option when searching Last, First, or Middle names. SoundEx is a phonetic algorithm for indexing names by sound, as pronounced in English (e.g., Jon and John). Note that this may increase search times as it will be searching for all the variations of a name that will sound the same as the search value. (View image)
  • The field "Moniker" is now it's own separate field and can be used specifically to search monikers/aliases. This field will search through Last, First, and Middle names looking for a match. (View image)


  • For users with access to Thompson Reuters CLEAR data, a Visualize button will now appear on those results. Clicking on the button will display the data in Visualizer with other TR CLEAR data. At this time it is not integrated with Coplink data. (View image)

March 30, 2021


***Forensic Logic is proud to announce a major feature release of CrimeTracer***

NEW Feature: Alerts

  • Users now have the ability to create and manage alerts on Quick Search search terms and filters. (View tutorial)

NEW Feature: Summary Statistics

  • Users can now view and print summary statistics on object details pages. (View more)

Resolved Issues

Quick Search

  • Synonyms for states now bring back results

Advanced Search

  • Wildcard entered before a phone number are now recognized

February 18, 2021



  • Expand in the Visualizer now allows the ability to see more links from an entity. By right clicking on an entity you have the option to view an entity's details or expand out the associations from that entity (View image)

New Tabs

  • You can now open a new tab in the browser by:
    1. Right clicking on a link (View image)
    2. CTRL+Click (Windows)
    3. CMD+Click (Mac)
    This will keep the existing window open and present a new tab with the results from the link. You may move back and forth between those (and other) open tabs

Resolved Issues

Quick Search

  • Having Location disabled in the browser no longer presents an error
  • State synonyms (e.g., CA or AZ) can now be used in to Quick Search

Advanced Search

  • Serial Number and Type are now included on the Property results page
  • Vehicle details page lists State along with plate number
  • Role now populates in the Document Embed of people

January 8, 2021


Quick Search

  • Users can now filter results by Date Range. This filter is available on the left hand side of the Quick Search Results screen below the Document Type Filter (View image)
  • Results can now be sorted by date ascending/descending (View image)

Resolved Issues

Quick Search

  • Add button on Date facet no longer disappears if text set to 125% OR at smaller screen resolutions (1366,768)

Advanced Search

  • Now able to query Persons if they don't have a name
  • Street Type dropdown is now showing complete list of street types
  • Type ahead in drop-downs is now searching entire option string

November 20, 2020


  • In Quick Search, the full and complete CLEAR report can now be downloaded from each CLEAR result (View image)
  • When structured vehicle information exists in a document, that summary information is now displayed in Quick Search results. This keeps users from having to click into a document to see any involved vehicles (View image)
  • For Advanced Search, users can now type into drop-down fields to find the lookup rather than having to scroll through the list (View image)
  • In Advanced Search, users can now see the age of the person on the last date of the physical description data. In the example image, you can see how a person grew quite significantly between ages 15 and 18 (View image)
  • In Advanced Search, users now see offense information on each document in the documents embed on details pages (View image)

Resolved Issues

  • Street Type in Person residence and location is now alphabetical
  • Tag cloud minimum font size increased for readability
  • Phone Type drop-down is now a part of the query
  • In Quick Search, common date formats are now supported (e.g., 1980-04-23, 04/23/1980 or 4/23/1980)
  • Searching for States in the States drop-down for a state with a space no longer causes an error
  • Changed all references of Document "Section" to "Sector"
  • Hitting clear after coming back from a search no longer causes an error
  • Person Details Descriptions Embed no longer displays blocks of duplicates
  • Corrected list of "Types" in Scars, Marks, and Tattoos drop down
  • Fixed error when doing a Firearm search
  • No longer duplicating results for entities in Advanced Search
  • Searching for a phone number with multiple extensions only now returns all results

November 10, 2020


  • In Quick Search, Vehicle license plates are now Tag Cloud elements. This allows users to quickly see which vehicles are most often involved in their search terms (e.g., gang related crimes) (View image)
  • When structured vehicle information exists in a document, that summary information is now displayed in Quick Search results. This keeps users from having to click into a document to see any involved vehicles (View image)
  • For Advanced Search, users can now type into drop-down fields to find the lookup rather than having to scroll through the list (View image)
  • In Advanced Search, users can now see the age of the person on the last date of the physical description data. In the example image, you can see how a person grew quite significantly between ages 15 and 18 (View image)
  • In Advanced Search, users now see offense information on each document in the documents embed on details pages (View image)

Resolved Issues

  • Street Type in Person residence and location is now alphabetical
  • Tag cloud minimum font size increased for readability
  • Phone Type drop down is now a part of the query
  • In Quick Search, common date formats are now supported (e.g., 1980-04-23, 04/23/1980 or 4/23/1980)
  • Searching for States in the States drop-down for a state with a space no longer causes an error
  • Changed all references of Document "Section" to "Sector"
  • Hitting clear after coming back from a search no longer causes an error
  • Person Details Descriptions Embed no longer displays blocks of duplicates
  • Corrected list of "Types" in Scars Marks and Tattoos drop down
  • Fixed error when doing a Firearm search
  • No longer duplicating results for entities in Advanced Search
  • Searching for a phone number with multiple extensions only now returns all results

October 1, 2020


  • Added Quick Search Refinement — Users can now dig deeper into result sets by adding additional text to searches and combining that text with multiple filters. For example, a simple search for "homicide" will yield nearly 100,000 results, but by adding specific terms and utilizing filters, these results can be narrowed to a handful of documents

Resolved Issues

  • Persons that previously did not consolidate but should have, now consolidate properly. The noticeable change will be that persons who used to have many rows of 1 document each will now have fewer rows with more documents
  • Searches on Document offenses which previously timed out will now return much faster
  • Facet Search button is now an "Add" button. When a user clicks the Add button the search will run with the new text added to the top search term
  • Duplicate AKAs are no longer shown
  • Person text is no longer covering mug shots on details pages
  • Clicking on a narrative or offense returned from a find Association search now returns correctly
  • Mug shots now appear consistently in different details pages for the same person
  • A user can no longer add duplicate entities to the Find Association dialog
  • Advanced Search results are correctly searching on "race"
  • Fixed 500 error on Find Associations from Advanced Person Search
  • Fixed an issue where anything entered into the Refine Your Search box would continue to filter after doing a new search

September 11, 2020


  • To facilitate easier information retrieval, users can select/filter by multiple Agency, Document Type, Year, Offense Description, and Offense Statute facets (View image)
  • Users can now view attachments (PDF, RTF, etc.) securely
  • Long running searches can be cancelled if users perceive them to be taking too long (View image)
  • On login, a previously entered email address will be saved, eliminating the need to enter it again
  • Reference counts have been added to related entity embeds on details pages so users can see how often consolidated objects are described in certain ways at different points in time (View image)

Resolved Issues

  • Improved performance of advanced searches on documents with offense criteria
  • Default behavior of visualizer is now a hand, not an arrow (View image)
  • Now allowing period characters in offense description and statue searches
  • Updated Copyright in page footer
  • Clicking on Associated With will no longer give a blank name for persons with only AKAs
  • When clicking on a person from an embedded entity, the real name is no longer missing
  • The spinner on a mug now stops spinning if no mug actually exists
  • When clicking Visualize from Quick Search results, the name will no longer be blank in find associations
  • Fixed Orange County probation documents that were showing 500 error when opened from Quick Search
  • Fixed 400 error on Find Associations/Refined Search when document with date range is in the lower window
  • Fixed the 1 Kansas document showing 500 error when opened in Quick Search
  • Fixed 503 errors on many document details pages
  • Fixed the missing Role from Person Embed on Locations
  • Fixed the 500 error on Find Associations if no results are returned

August 21, 2020


  • Document Details re-write
  • CrimeTracer will now handle more narratives with RTF formatting

August 13, 2020


  • CrimeTracer will now handle narratives with RTF formatting
  • Speed improvements for refined search
  • Various fixes for refined search

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved an issue where refined Search brings back more data than it should
  • Find Associations is not doing an "AND" on the "Associated With" terms when one query returns no results
  • We changed the number of Ref in Person Results to use Document Count
  • We changed the number of Ref in Vehicle Results to Document Count
  • We changed the number of Ref in Organization, Location, Phone and Property Results to Document Count

August 7, 2020


  • Added User Preferences for Quick Search
  • Add the ability to rank / return search results based on keywords as identified in User Preferences
  • LPR Documents & images available in Quick Search
  • Ability to search on and view PDF and RTF documents
  • Find Associations using Search Terms
  • Find Associations on two known entities (Refined Search)
  • Modified the Person search form so that more used fields will be closer to the top of the screen
  • Added functionality to show all mugs a person has in our system
  • Search on and visualize NIBIN links to agency data
  • Added functionality to retain search terms after the user left the form

Resolved Issues

  • Improved long running searches that could end up timing out Azure
  • Refactored Searches in Advanced Search so they return faster
  • Added date field to Document search
  • Fixed an issue where wildcard searches were not working when doing phone number searches
  • Fixed and issue where a user was unable to search for a person with a specific age
  • Made it so a user can do a range search on Mile Marker
  • Min Max fields should search for the exact number if only a Min value is entered
  • When clicking on a person from an embedded entity the real name is missing
  • Selecting Quick Search on User-preferences page produces not found
  • Tag Cloud does not clear when performing a new search at the top of results
  • Visualizer should combine all consolidated entities into one icon
  • Sometimes a "Too Many Results" error will contain a different error
  • Thomson Reuters count was incorrectly clickable
  • Mugs inconsistently appear in the different details pages for the same person
  • Null pointer error on some locations details pages with related persons
  • Find associations: If too many results are found using search find associations the wrong error is shown.
  • Spinner on a mug does not stop spinning if no mug exists
  • Unable to query person with the parameters, street min and street name
  • Fixed an issue where Advanced search might not return all results the user would expect
  • Max weight field limits user to 500
  • "Show # more mugshots" appears when there is only one mugshot
  • Fixed certain scenarios where Find associations and visualizations on what are probably larger data sets are timing out after 30-60sec
  • Removed Result 0 from Quick Searc

March 27, 2020


  • In order to increase performance for everyone using CrimeTracer, Advanced Searches are now limited to 10,000 results. If a search is performed and it exceeds this threshold a message will be displayed that says “Warning: An Error occurred processing your request… too many results, please narrow your search and try again.” When searching across a nationwide data set, performing searches that return over 10,000 results most likely will not help you in your investigation. Remember the more detail you can provide Coplink the more accurate the search results.
  • A map component is now available on the Details pages of many entities. This can be helpful to quickly visualize the location of an incident.
  • Improved ranking of search results - most relevant results on top
  • Improved person name searching e.g., Given and Surname before Given and Middle or Middle and Last
  • Improved phone number searching & date search - different formats can be entered

October 25, 2019


  • Made it easier for the user to understand why a specific person was returned in the result set. Especially when that person is part of a consolidated set
  • Modified Find Associations to return consolidated results
  • Location Cross Street Address info is missing some fields, like Street name and Suffix

Resolved Issues

  • Date fields are stripping leading 0 (zeros) causing invalid date when typing
  • Person Eyes and Hair demographics do not return randomly
  • Graph shows null for Master record without document id
  • Fix Error Message: Click on document in quick search and get error saying document does not exist in Coplink Data
  • Made Plate searches more accurate
  • Fixed Soundex searches
  • Native American shows underscore when listed in entities
  • Fixed an issue where Phone shows NULL or undefined for area code when area code is NULL in the Data
  • Improved the performance of person search when using scars marks and tattoos
  • Document Details 503 query did not return a unique result: 2 when Document has more than one Document Status
  • Tax ID on Organization search does not accept numbers
  • Organization name does not accept special characters
  • Property Description should accept special characters
  • Property Value does not accept valid numbers
  • Location is missing Suffix
  • Age range Request payload is searching for 1 more year more than needed.
  • Unable to hit enter on Quick search from the results screen
  • Unit of Measurement is spelled incorrectly
  • Firearm Type Pistol text incorrect, shows underscore
  • Gender is showing "gender. UNKNOWN" on some records.
  • Quick search failing Unable to parse response body for …
  • In Associations/Visualizer, the document label is showing all caps and an underscore
  • Thomson Reuters results on basic search is causing the server returned error code: 0
  • Unable to search on a name with a hyphen -
  • Vehicle Details License Plates and Appearances are displaying the same data on every row
  • Visualizer is showing a grey box in place of a Firearm icon
  • Wrong Mug Shot shown for Person - query has a wrong join
  • Quick Search is bringing back duplicate results when searching for a single document
  • If searching on Person Name, the matching name/alias should be in results.
  • Incomplete and inconsistent demographic results showing for a specific person
  • Alias / AKA not shown in details when multiple AKAs present
  • Consolidate the Find Association Results being returned
  • Find Association results that match filter criteria should not be on the Related side of results
  • Improved performance of Find Association consolidation
  • Update results views in UI to show name that matches searched name
  • Return person child entities in order
  • Return child data in order (non-Person entities)
  • Return consistent/ordered results for entity associations on all details pages
  • Vehicle Results page isn't showing most recent registration or details

September 10, 2019


  • Added ability to hit enter and search
  • Added CJIS use screen
  • Added NIBIN document to analyze firearm 'hits' and links to other cases to Quick Search
  • Added Find Associations to for Persons to Advanced Search
  • Added a visualizer function to see a graphical representation of associations
  • Need to be able to bookmark Associations Results and change filters/parameters on the page.

Resolved Issues

  • Location Cross Street Address info is missing some fields, like Street Name and Suffix
  • Graph not showing edges between Person and Phone/Location. Increase path length.
  • Added Search and Clear to Tab order
  • Postal code field needs to be changed to alpha numeric and allow more than 5 characters
  • Resolved an issue where Document details was returning a 503 message
  • Street name does not allow numbers
  • The red hints for the person height search field can be uninformative
  • Searching on invalid entry gives results in Phone search
  • Consolidation Links not being created for Firearms
  • Searches that return 0 results are not displaying correctly
  • Advanced search demographics shows build.UNKNOWN
  • When invalid characters are in a search field and the search button is disabled the enter button still works.
  • 404 error when clicking the visualize button from find associations
  • Search and display the NIBIN PDF file
  • Add ability to specify which entities should be included in Find Association results.
  • Created a routine to figure out which Find Association results should be displayed as a single entity
  • Implement consolidated association results changes in the UI

August 2, 2019


  • Added ability to search on different date formats
  • Add use justification reason to token
  • Location Direction does not work not populated in the Database
  • Seeing Error 503 when going to Location details from document details
  • Person - Residence - Apartment returning max results for any search
  • ETL was sped up and made more performant

Resolved Issues

  • Resolved several issues with the way data is imported into the system

July 25, 2019


  • Added Mugshots to person details page
  • In Advanced search, less used search fields are now hidden
  • Added Release Notes to Help menue
  • Added audit functionality
  • Added functionality to click on each associated entity from details pages and go to their own details page
  • Resolved Several 400 error messages
  • Changed how LEAP mugs are sent to CrimeTracer
  • Added Support’s contact info on the Help title screen.
  • Added Roles to Entities on the result Screen
  • Added functionality to deployment of CrimeTracer such that it will now be a seamless process to the user whenever an upgrade is done.
  • Refactored detail pages

Resolved Issues

  • Height (Ht) and Weight (Wt) do not display in Person results
  • For HTML formatted narratives, use the embedded HTML tags to format.
  • Vehicle Style is not searchable, does not match results/details
  • Opening a document can produce Cannot read property 'trim' of undefined
  • Consolidation Facts missing for some Organizations that hit Consolidation Limit
  • Firearm Type not populated. Unable to consolidate.
  • Quick Search - Pawn Ticket description is not helpful
  • CrimeTracer version should reflect the actual version
  • Details pages embeds are showing underscores
  • Modify vehicle Search to be "Popular" instead of "Top"
  • Updating realm throws 404
  • Scars, Marks and tattoos shows scarsMarksTattoosLocation.UNKNOWN
  • Document details fails to load
  • Identifies has identifierType.UNKNOWN
  • 004 Hoodsmen appears as two separate Organizations in search for Type "Gang"
  • Add links from document details to vehicles and phone
  • Modify details pages (other than doc details) to display roles in related entities section

June 30, 2019


  • Create the details page for all top-level entities, populated with real data
  • Added an “Administration” item in the main menu, only for Admins
  • Added the ability to perform range type searches
  • Various UI enhancements were added to Quick search results
  • Added Help content the help menu

Resolved Issues

  • Searching on Person Ethnicity gives error The server returned error code: 400
  • Scars, Marks, and Tattoos Information Location search returns 400 error
  • Unable to search phone numbers with a - minus sign
  • When a user clicks on a basic search document result the application appears to time out.
  • Visualizer: Combined (consolidated) entities appear outside of the circle when combo is expanded
  • Slow OR query on details page