User Guide - Crime Bulletin

Last updated July 24, 2023

Crime Bulletin

Crime Bulletin allows agencies to upload time sensitive crime bulletins such as BOLOs for nationwide dissemination. You can upload a PDF of a BOLO and within minutes it will be searchable in the CrimeTracer application.

You can also set an alert to be notified any time a Crime Bulletin is uploaded. This vastly increases the velocity of information and allows the opportunity for immediate notification in critically time sensitive matters.

Uploading a Crime Bulletin
  1. From your user menu in the top right corner, select “Crime Bulletin” to open the Crime Bulletin form.
    Crime Bulletin Upload Step 1 Image
  2. In the Crime Bulletin form, fill in the fields for Title, Bulletin Type, Expiration Date, and Summary.
    Crime Bulletin Upload Step 2 Image
  3. This form is also where you upload the pdf of the bulletin.
    Crime Bulletin Upload Step 3 Image
  4. After clicking ‘Submit’ you will be prompted with a success message.
    Crime Bulletin Upload Step 4 Image
  5. The bulletin will be searchable in CrimeTracer within approximately 10 minutes.
    Crime Bulletin Upload Step 5 Image
Setting Alerts on Crime Bulletins
  1. From the quick search results screen, select “Crime Bulletin” as the document type.
    Crime Bulletin Alerts Step 1 Image
  2. In the ‘New Alert’ dialog box, create a name for this alert and click ‘Save Changes.
    Crime Bulletin Alerts Step 2 Image
Expirations of Crime Bulletins
  1. When setting up a Crime Bulletin you may select a time for that Bulletin to expire.
    Crime Bulletin Expiration Date Image
  2. You have manual control as well. You can search for your Crime Bulletin in Quick Search and use the Action button. This will allow you multiple option, shown below, to modify the expiration time. Note that Deactivate means that the Crime Bulletin is no longer active but can still be searched.
    Crime Bulletin Expiration manual 2 Image
  3. Before a Crime Bulletin is to expire, the creator of the Crime Bulletin will get an alert notifying them that it is about to expire.
***Please note that all text and mugshots on this page are AI generated text and pictures.***